First Surveys Commence

Deputy Surveyors William Alexander and Samuel Nicholson begin surveying most the area now known as Cranberry Township in June of 1785. At that time, the area was part of Westmoreland County, which extended north to the base of the Erie Triangle, which was not yet part of PA. Deputy Surveyor Ephraim Douglass surveyed the eastern roughly 10-15% of the township as it is today and his surveys are not indexed as are those of Alexander and Nicholson, thus his survey dates are not yet known. The survey pictured here is that of Nicholson's part of District 3, lot 75, where Mathew & William Graham would settle, site of the Black Bear Tavern, which today is the site of a power substation on Marshall Road. North Boundary Road is the northern boundary of this lot, as well as lots 74, 76 and 77. North Boundary Park  was built on roughly the northern half of lot 77. 74 was the western most and 77, the eastern most lots in Nicholson's part.

June of 1785