The full title of this program is: "Abraham Lincoln, Robert Redford, Bill O’Reilly, Chester Arthur and Vampires: The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln: Myths, Fabrications and Absurdities"
When Abraham Lincoln was shot shortly after 10 PM on Good Friday April 14, 1865, an industry was born. In the years since that tragic eve, movies, books, lecturers and crackpots all have advanced conspiracies and plots. Many of them, not too concerned with the facts, have sought to make money off of the assassination. In the process these people have ignored, perverted, distorted or invented facts surrounding the assassination. We will update this program descript with greater detail in May.
Event Date
May 19, 2019 - 2:00 pm
Event Location
Council Chambers
Cranberry Township Municipal Center
2525 Rochester Road
Cranberry Township, PA 16066
Cranberry Township Municipal Center
2525 Rochester Road
Cranberry Township, PA 16066