Depreciation Lands Map

This is a map of the Depreciation Lands. A red box has been added to indicate the approximate current boundaries of Cranberry Township before the secession of Seven Fields in 1983.

Pursuant to the Act of 12 March 1783, the Depreciation Lands are bound as follows:

Beginning where the western boundary of the State crosses the Ohio River; thence up the said river to Fort Pitt: thence up the Allegheny River to the mouth of Mogulbughtiton (Mahoning) Creek; thence by a west line to the western boundary of this State; thence south by the said boundary to the place of beginning, reserving to the use of the State 3,000 acres in an oblong of not less than one mile in depth from the Allegheny and Ohio Rivers and extending up and down the said rivers, from opposite Fort Pitt as far as may be necessary to include the same; and the further quantity of 3,000 acres on the Ohio and on both sides of Beaver Creek, including Fort McIntosh, all which remaining tract of land, as aforesaid, is hereby appropriated as a further fund for the purpose of redeeming the certificates aforesaid; that is to say, the Surveyor General of this State shall, according to such directions as may be given him by the Supreme Executive Council, cause the aforesaid tract of land to be laid out in lots of not less than 200, and not more than 350, acres each, numbering the same lots numerically on the draught or plat of the country aforesaid, and shall as soon as the same or 100 lots thereof are surveyed, together with the Secretary of the Land Office and the Receiver General, proceed to sell the same lots in numerical order at such times and places, and under such regulations, as shall be appointed by the Supreme Executive Council; the full consideration bid at such sales shall be paid into the Receiver General's office, either in gold or silver or in the certificates aforesaid, upon full payment of which consideration and the expense of surveying, together with all fees of the different offices, patents shall be issued in the usual form to the several buyers or venders, and the different sums in specie that may be paid into the Receiver General's office, shall be by him paid over to the treasury of this State for the purpose of redeeming such certificates as may remain unsatisfied at the end of such sales.
