Images of America: Cranberry Township
Thomas Wolfe wrote a novel, You Can’t Go Home Again, however Kate Guerriero Benz did as close as one can with her publishing of her book, Images of America: Cranberry Township, through Arcadia Publishing. The book contains 128 pages of photographs and text supporting the photos. Kate was raised in Cranberry Township on Franklin Road in an historic, classic house in the area, which at one time was called the village of Hendersonville or also known as Trail, as the house and region sat on the Venango Trail. Kate grew up here during a time when one went to Viola’s for groceries. Her maternal grandfather, Dr. Samuel M. Rice, maintained a private practice here for 50 years just off of Dutilh Road near Hartner’s restaurant. Kate’s mother, Veronica Rice Guerriero, was a founding member of the Cranberry Township Historical Society. Kate and her mother wrote and put on a play for the members of the historical society in the late 1980’s [1] about what it would have been like to grow up in Hendersonville. She, along with her mother spent many hours planting and weeding the Cranberry bog that the Society had in the original Cranberry Park...